Before we discuss about the topic "The Modern Aru" then as an introduction will discuss the social and cultural Aru Those included in the Pacific and Melanesia clumps composed of 16 indigenous people Aru (LRII, 2009), 14 local languages including Barakai, Batuley, Double language, Karey, Koba, Kola, Kompane, Lola, Lorang, Manombai, Mariri language, East Tarangan, West Tarangan, and Ujir ( Diversity Aru native tribe and language and wealth of Natural Resources has made the Aru islands so special and valued when compared with other areas in the Moluccas and Indonesia and the World. The long history of the Aru in the ranging from Eno-Coral Island where people began to spread throughout the region Aru Aru Islands. Then the arrival of the Chinese in the 1600's (Calor 2004), followed by the Dutch in 1623 (, United Nations 1857 (Indek. 2002), Seizing West Irian (Papua) in 1960-1963 , Centralized development in the era of the New Order. 1968-1998, Reformation Era 1998-present, and the establishment of the Aru Islands regency in 2003.SDA and cultural richness of so extraordinary Aru has attracted a lot of people since 1600 until today, to visit and then settle, develop business and serve in community service. Known to have occurred in the order of a good mix of social life culture, religion, economics, and education between indigenous people and migrants Aru. It is well known that this combination has also been presented keselahan-complex error affecting underdevelopment People Aru. But it is also recognized that this combination also has brought the common good, such as the development of religion, education, and the culture has perjadi mix of cultures in the presence of marriage between people of Aru and immigrants, as well as numerous other examples.In this era of development Aru district since 2003 until today, has raised up the spirit of conscience The Aru with a total population reached 71,393 people (BPS Maluku 2009) resulting in a harmonious togetherness and mutual respect to participation in development. People Aru intended is a mix between 16 indigenous tribes people and various clumps Aru tribe of Moluccas, Sulawesi, Java, Borneo, Sumtra and Chinese have established a new komonitas called Aru Komonitas modern man.Komonitas People tend to prefer the modern Aru unity, justice, order, decency, intelligence, dynamism and harmony of religion, as well as the increasing role of technology and gender. Komonitas also do not agree that corrupt practices and understand primodialisme negative. So there is a special value that is integrated and included into the social, cultural, economic, educational, health, arts and religion. Morally and responsibility borne by Aru Modern man is very heavy, as it requires sacrifice and sincerity in devotion Aru Development. Special values can be referred to as value Aru Modern man advantage. Gejalah changes in social structure can also be called the evolution of man to man Aru Aru Modern.Reference:Statistics Maluku province. , 2009. Maluku province http :/ / embarrassment. bps. go. id /? cos = 4 & select = mall (accessed in Goettingen, 25. August 2009).Index. 2002. Stories from the Moluccas; Episode 10 - On Nuhu Evav of the Southeast. Around Us, People, Culture, and Environment. http://sekitarkita. com / author / idenk /. (Accessed in Goettingen, 25. August 2009).Heat, J. D. , 2004. Snapper Fish Biological Resources in the Cluster Family Lutjanidae Aru Islands, Maluku Province. Majoring in biology. Faculty of Mathematical and Natural Sciences University of Cenderawasih, Jayapura, Papua, unpublished thesis.
Jumat, 22 Maret 2013
People Aru Modern
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Artikel Oki
Before we discuss about the topic "The Modern Aru" then as an introduction will discuss the social and cultural Aru Those included in the Pacific and Melanesia clumps composed of 16 indigenous people Aru (LRII, 2009), 14 local languages including Barakai, Batuley, Double language, Karey, Koba, Kola, Kompane, Lola, Lorang, Manombai, Mariri language, East Tarangan, West Tarangan, and Ujir ( Diversity Aru native tribe and language and wealth of Natural Resources has made the Aru islands so special and valued when compared with other areas in the Moluccas and Indonesia and the World. The long history of the Aru in the ranging from Eno-Coral Island where people began to spread throughout the region Aru Aru Islands. Then the arrival of the Chinese in the 1600's (Calor 2004), followed by the Dutch in 1623 (, United Nations 1857 (Indek. 2002), Seizing West Irian (Papua) in 1960-1963 , Centralized development in the era of the New Order. 1968-1998, Reformation Era 1998-present, and the establishment of the Aru Islands regency in 2003.SDA and cultural richness of so extraordinary Aru has attracted a lot of people since 1600 until today, to visit and then settle, develop business and serve in community service. Known to have occurred in the order of a good mix of social life culture, religion, economics, and education between indigenous people and migrants Aru. It is well known that this combination has also been presented keselahan-complex error affecting underdevelopment People Aru. But it is also recognized that this combination also has brought the common good, such as the development of religion, education, and the culture has perjadi mix of cultures in the presence of marriage between people of Aru and immigrants, as well as numerous other examples.In this era of development Aru district since 2003 until today, has raised up the spirit of conscience The Aru with a total population reached 71,393 people (BPS Maluku 2009) resulting in a harmonious togetherness and mutual respect to participation in development. People Aru intended is a mix between 16 indigenous tribes people and various clumps Aru tribe of Moluccas, Sulawesi, Java, Borneo, Sumtra and Chinese have established a new komonitas called Aru Komonitas modern man.Komonitas People tend to prefer the modern Aru unity, justice, order, decency, intelligence, dynamism and harmony of religion, as well as the increasing role of technology and gender. Komonitas also do not agree that corrupt practices and understand primodialisme negative. So there is a special value that is integrated and included into the social, cultural, economic, educational, health, arts and religion. Morally and responsibility borne by Aru Modern man is very heavy, as it requires sacrifice and sincerity in devotion Aru Development. Special values can be referred to as value Aru Modern man advantage. Gejalah changes in social structure can also be called the evolution of man to man Aru Aru Modern.Reference:Statistics Maluku province. , 2009. Maluku province http :/ / embarrassment. bps. go. id /? cos = 4 & select = mall (accessed in Goettingen, 25. August 2009).Index. 2002. Stories from the Moluccas; Episode 10 - On Nuhu Evav of the Southeast. Around Us, People, Culture, and Environment. http://sekitarkita. com / author / idenk /. (Accessed in Goettingen, 25. August 2009).Heat, J. D. , 2004. Snapper Fish Biological Resources in the Cluster Family Lutjanidae Aru Islands, Maluku Province. Majoring in biology. Faculty of Mathematical and Natural Sciences University of Cenderawasih, Jayapura, Papua, unpublished thesis.
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